VanCity cattery was started after I spent about three and half years doing cat rescue. In late 2005, one of the cats I rescued was a Turkish Van. Her name is Beauty and you can see her lovely picture on the Home Page.
I had always appreciated the breed and since starting to show my Household Pet mixed breed kitties in TICA, I knew I wanted to work with a breed and it had to be a natural breed. I had considered working with Vans, but also Maine Coons, Egyptian Maus, Japanese Bobtails and Turkish Angoras.
After bringing Beauty home and rehabbing her, I could not put her up for adoption, I absolutely fell in love with her and decided to research the breed. It took some time to learn about Turkish Vans fully but that is when I decided I wanted to work with them - what a fantastic and unusual breed! It was perfect: Vans are rare enough that they need breeding support to preserve them, AND they are soft, fluffy semi-longhair kitties which I just love. And so, VanCity was born.